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About GEX

GEX was created on the 31st January 1980 by a group of exporters who voluntary decided to contribute in advantage to the promotion and defence of the origin and image of Cameroon.

First professional associative grouping in the sector of basic products, GEX members quickly understood the necessity of establishing a code of deontology based on the usage and elementary rules required in commercial operations throughout the world.

It is a question of developing the GEX spirit through solidarity engagement of each of its members vis-a-vis the others.

GEX Objectives

GEX accompanies exporters of cocoa-coffee in their activities through:

Defending the general interest of its members.
Studying questions related to the commercialization of cocoa and coffee.
Representation of its members before the government, organs of the cocoa and coffee industries and divers international organisations.
Assistance in the resolution of technical questions, economics, fiscal and judicial related to the commercialization of cocoa and coffee.
Handing matters related to conflicts between members or between members and non members.
Training and information of members and non members.

GEX values

Professionalism through:

The respect of regulations and usages in force concerning the commercialization of cocoa and coffee.
Durable engagement for the cocoa and coffee industries

Ethics through:

Honesty in business
Reject of practices which are not loyal.

GEX ambitions

Keep up with its status as major interlocutor in the cocoa and coffee industries.

Create permanent worries in members to preserve quality in the image of Cameroon cocoa and coffee.

Develop a GEX spirit through solidarity engagement of each of its members vis-a-vis the others.

Conditions / Adhesion Requirement file into GEX

1. Register as cocoa / coffee exporter with MINCOMMERCE
2. Write an application of adhesion to the President of GEX including Photocopies of Attestation of declaration of existence and the complete file deposited at MINCOMMERCE for registration.
3. Payment of adhesion fee and fixed annual contribution.
4. Fill in the GEX adhesion form
5. Professional card file comprising an application addressed to the President of CICC.
Source ONCC


GEX-Cameroon , is a Groupe, a Mission, a Vision....The promotion of CoCoa and Coffee in all its forms. Trust us now ...